"A Splash of Sunshine" Sunflower in Watercolor

"A Splash of Sunshine" Sunflower in Watercolor "A Splash of Sunshine" Sunflower in Watercolor "A Splash of Sunshine" Sunflower in Watercolor
"A Splash of Sunshine" Sunflower in Watercolor

"All nature helps to swell the song and chant the same refrain;

June and July have slipped away, and August's here again."

from the poem "August" by Helen Maria Winslow

Paint a splash of August sunshine that will carry you into the colorful autumn season just ahead.

Sunflowers can be found in an amazing variety of warm hues - from golden yellows and rich oranges to rusty reds!  In this free class I'll show you how to create beautiful multi-colored flower petals and leaves using just the stroke of a brush with no mixing or blending needed!  You'll learn about color saturation and the importance of water "flow" to express the unique beauty of watercolors. No two paintings will be alike! Your original artwork can be displayed in a matted frame under glass or used for note cards, invitations, cutout tags, and more.

It's fun and it's FREE!

To access the Quick Notes .PDF for this project, add this item to your shopping bag. Upon checkout, you'll be able to download the Quick Notes .pdf  that contains a Project Sheet overview with a supplies list, step-by-step instructions, and photos.

Free For Friends projects include .pdf documents that you can download to your computer for your personal use and enjoyment.  No physical goods are included.  You are welcome to share your finished artwork with your friends!   Happy painting!

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